jeudi 12 octobre 2017

Interventions américaines en Afrique: quelle stratégie?

Les États-Unis ont déployé environ 1500 soldats en Afrique dans un effort pour lutter contre le terrorisme. Selon les experts consultés les interventions sont entourées d'un halo de mystère et la stratégie serait douteuse. Donald Trump est entouré de militaires solides, mais toutes les solutions ne sont pas militaires...

 "But as the military effort ramps up, so have concerns that the Trump administration lacks a comprehensive strategy for the region. Such a strategy would also emphasize more non-military tools such as economic aid and cooperation with allies to strengthen democratic institutions in some of the world's poorest nations.

 “There is a tendency to militarize things by deferring to the military," Shurkin said, adding that the military effort "should be part of a larger strategy that will include other types of assistance."

“You will end up with this piecemeal approach — focused on military stuff but in a very narrow way," he added, noting that the U.S. military is only training a few elite units in these nations."

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