jeudi 12 octobre 2017

Les États-Unis se retirent de l'UNESCO

Invoquant un biais de l'organisation à l'endroit d'Israël, les États-Unis quittent l'Organisation des Nations unies pour l'éducation, la science et la culture. L'administration Obama avait déjà coupé le financement en 2011.

 "Unesco, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization known for its designation of world heritage sites, is a global development agency with missions that include promoting sex education, literacy, clean water and equality for women.

The Obama administration cut off funding to Unesco in 2011 because the group admitted Palestinians as full members, which the United States saw as undercutting its influence in countries around the world. America lost its vote in the organization in 2013 because it ended its financial contributions.

In July, Unesco declared the ancient and hotly contested core of Hebron in the Israeli-occupied West Bank as a Palestinian World Heritage Site."

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