mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Le silence des agneaux... Républicains

Les sorties successives de McCain, Corker et Flake auront-elles un effet sur leur formation politique? L'auteur émet des réserves.

 "Similar questions arise thanks to Corker and Flake: Is there any sign that other Republican leaders will follow their lead? No, not really. Instead, we get hints glimmers of how GOP leaders feel, via House Speaker Paul Ryan’s clever, genteel repartee at the Al Smith dinner. Aides to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell regularly feed Washington reporters disparaging views of Trump—but only enough to singe, never burn, and certainly nothing that would imperil the party’s legislative priorities.

To think that those who will remain in power when Corker and Flake—and perhaps others—leave will give public voice to even their grimmest fears about the man in the Oval Office is a pipe dream.

 Indeed, the more likely scenario is that the president’s most ardent supporters will be celebrating the angry words as the harmless words of fallen foes—welcoming their hatred as a badge of honor. And those Republicans who remain in office will see the fallout as a cautionary signal of the cost of acknowledging the dangers that their President presents. Let's hope we never have to learn the cost of the silence of these Republican lambs."

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