dimanche 4 mars 2018

Et si les Républicains remportaient les élections de mi-mandat?

À plusieurs mois du vote les sondages pointent vers une bonne performance des Démocrates qui peuvent rêver à des majorités au Sénat et à la Chambre des représentants. L'auteur de ce texte avance que c'est justement l'espoir d'une vague démocrate qui permet de maintenir une certaine paix sociale. Que se passera-t-il si le scénario envisagé ne se matérialise pas? Charlie Savage tente de répondre à la question.

 "The country was already badly polarized before the plot twist of election night in 2016, of course, but since then liberals and much of what remains of America’s moderate center have been seething in a way that dwarfs the usual disgruntlement of whichever faction is out of power. While nobody can know for sure whether Mr. Trump would have lost but for Russia’s meddling, many of his critics clearly choose to believe he is in the White House because Vladimir Putin tricked the United States into making him its leader.

 For Mr. Trump’s opposition, this premise — to say nothing of the question of whether his campaign conspired with Russia or merely benefited from its manipulations — has thickened the faint stink of illegitimacy that would hover over any president who lost the popular vote, supercharging policy disagreements into nearly existential threats to democracy. The regular cycles of consternation spun up by Mr. Trump’s unconventional approach to the job of being president help keep that wound raw."


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