mercredi 21 mars 2018

"March for our lives": ce qu'il faut savoir

C'est ce samedi 24 mars que les étudiants défileront dans la capitale américaine pour manifester en faveur de meilleures législations pour encadrer l'achat et la possession des armes à feu. CNN présente aujourd'hui ce petit article qui présente les grandes lignes de l'opération.

 "What happens after the march?

Advocates have called for another national school walkout on April 20, the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting. The Network for Public Education has also called for people to take their own action -- whether it be organizing walkouts, sit-ins or rallies -- to bring attention to school safety on that day, calling it the "National Day of Action Against Gun Violence in Schools."

 Beyond that, #NeverAgain and allies will likely turn their attention to the midterm elections in November to vote out politicians who aren't sympathetic to their cause."

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