mercredi 21 mars 2018

Où est Mark Zuckerberg?

L'auteur de l'article précise que la situation difficile dans laquelle est actuellement plongé Facebook n'a rien de nouveau. Mark Zuckerberg et d'autres dirigeants de Facebook connaissaient les stratégies de Cambridge Analytica depuis de nombreux mois (on remonte à 2016 pour certaines info) et sont pourtant demeurés silencieux.

 "Where is Mark Zuckerberg? Where is Sheryl Sandberg? And more importantly: Where have they been since 2016? Nothing that has come to light in the recent days is news to Facebook. They’ve known about all these things for months and, in some cases, years. They built the system that allowed data to flow out of Facebook with only very mild oversight. They built the system that allowed dark political advertising. And, most importantly, they built the service that created these massive stores of data and the tools for using them to reach billions of people.

This is what they’ve built. These are the governance problems that come with this kind of market dominance. Mark Zuckerberg created a service and a corporate structure that centralized power in himself. And that means we need transparency from him because there is no other way to get it."

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