jeudi 24 mai 2018

Donald Trump rattrapé par son imprévisibilité?

Il semble bien que je ne sois pas le seul à tenter de trouver une véritable stratégie ou un plan d'ensemble pour expliquer les décision du président. Être imprévisible peut présenter des avantages, mais si votre entourage n'est pas en mesure de s'ajuster vous risquez d'éprouver un certain nombre de difficultés...

 "Team Trump does not do it because the president does not do it. His idea of foreign policy is to bark orders like an emperor, without thinking very hard about how to enforce compliance or what to do if compliance is not forthcoming.

The administration canceled the Iran deal without first gaining European, Chinese, Japanese, or Indian cooperation for new sanctions.

Trump started a trade war with China without any plan for response to the inevitable Chinese counter-moves.

 He enthusiastically pounced on a possible U.S.-North Korea summit in the false belief that such a summit represented a huge concession to the United States rather than—correctly—a huge concession by the United States.

The result: China pushed back on trade, and Trump blinked and retreated. The whole world saw him blink and retreat. Having yielded to powerful China, Trump is now salving his ego with a plan for new tariffs on cars from Japan, Mexico, and Canada."

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