mercredi 23 mai 2018

Philip Roth meurt à 85 ans

Lors d'une entrevue pendant le plus récent Salon du livre de Québec je mentionnais justement le roman "Complot contre l'Amérique", suggérant une lecture, ou une relecture, de l'ouvrage au moment où Donald Trump joue sur le nativisme pour accéder à la présidence et s'y maintenir. Roth est un véritable géant de la littérature et les hommages ne manquent pas ce matin.

 "Mr. Roth was the last of the great white males: the triumvirate of writers — Saul Bellow and John Updike were the others — who towered over American letters in the second half of the 20th century. Outliving both and borne aloft by an extraordinary second wind, Mr. Roth wrote more novels than either of them. In 2005 he became only the third living writer (after Bellow and Eudora Welty) to have his books enshrined in the Library of America.

“Updike and Bellow hold their flashlights out into the world, reveal the world as it is now,” Mr. Roth once said. “I dig a hole and shine my flashlight into the hole." the hole.”%%

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