mardi 30 octobre 2018

Trump veut modifier le quatorzième amendement

Le président Donald Trump prétend être ne mesure de revoir les dispositions prévues par le quatorzième amendement pour obtenir la citoyenneté américaine. Cet amendement était prévu pour reconnaître la citoyenneté des esclaves émancipés après la guerre de Sécession. Selon une portion de l'amendement on devient citoyen si on naît en sol américain. Donald Trump et ses partisans visent les immigrants illégaux dont les enfants seraient nés aux États-Unis. Je précise tout de suite que le président ne peut modifier ainsi la constitution et les amendements. Il s'agit tout au plus d'une stratégie politique pour plaire à sa base avant les élections de mi-mandat.

 "The amendment means that any child born in the United States is considered a citizen. Amendments to the Constitution cannot be overridden by presidential action — they can be changed or undone only by overwhelming majorities in Congress or the states, with a two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or through a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of state legislatures."

Complot pour discréditer Robert Mueller?

Une compagnie favorable aux intérêts de Donald Trump aurait offert de l'argent à une femme pour qu'elle déclare avoir été harcelée sexuellement par Robert Mueller. Une enquête est ouverte.

 "The special-counsel office’s attention to this scheme and its decision to release a rare statement about it indicates the seriousness with which the team is taking the purported plot to discredit Mueller in the middle of an ongoing investigation. Carr confirmed that the allegations were brought to the office’s attention by several journalists, who were contacted by a woman who identified herself as Lorraine Parsons. Another woman, Jennifer Taub, contacted Mueller's office earlier this month with similar information.

The woman identifying herself as Parsons told journalists in an email, a copy of which I obtained, that she had been offered roughly $20,000 by a man claiming to work for a firm called Surefire Intelligence—which had been hired by a GOP activist named Jack Burkman—“to make accusations of sexual misconduct and workplace harassment against Robert Mueller.”

Caricature haine et synagogue Tree of life

Caricature de Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch, OH

Caricature États-Désunis d'Amérique

Caricature de Mike Keefe, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

Caricature Jamal Khashoggie est décédé dans une bagarre

Caricature de Gary McCoy, Shiloh, IL

lundi 29 octobre 2018

Caricature Halloween 2018

Caricature de David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star, Tucson, AZ

Chronique dans "Nathalie midi" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: la tuerie de Pittsburgh

Dans la section "Réécouter" du 29 octobre:

Michael Avenatti prépare discrètement sa machine pour la présidentielle de 2020

Michael Avenatti est omniprésent dans les médias depuis presque deux ans parce qu'il est l'avocat de Stormy Daniels. Depuis quelques mois il mentionne qu'il pourrait bien se lancer dans la présidentielle et affronter Donald Trump sur son terrain et avec ses armes. Au-delà des mots et des attaques, Avenatti s'entoure lentement mais sûrement. Doit-on combattre le feu par le feu? À sa manière Avenatti est une sorte de Trump démocrate.

 "That’s how Avenatti is positioning himself: a ferocious foil to Trump, uniquely skilled at drawing blood from either White House or courtroom adversaries, all the while projecting a gritty authenticity that escapes polished politicians. In a possible field of sitting U.S. senators and a former vice president, Avenatti believes he would stand out as the anti-establishment candidate who’s tough enough to bring the fight to the president.

Two sources close to the Avenatti operation confirmed that John Robinson, who worked as a chief operating officer for Bernie Sanders‘ 2016 campaign and has worked with former presidential candidates John Edwards and Al Gore, has consulted with Avenatti for about two months. If Avenatti runs, he is likely to tap Robinson as his own operations chief, the sources said."

Caricature Bolsano le sauveur

Caricature de Hajo de Reijger, The Netherlands

Chronique dans "Dutrizac de 6 à 9" (QUB radio): retour sur la tuerie de Pittsburgh

Dans l'émission du 29 octobre (vers 7h30):

Donald Trump est le liant de l'extrême droite

Non, Donald Trump n'est pas le responsable de tout ce qui cloche aux États-Unis et la division qu'il exploite dans ses rassemblements a des racines profondes. Le président ne peut cependant se laver les mains quand on constate que beaucoup d'extrémistes se retrouvent dans ses propos selon une analyse de 30 000 comptes Twitter.

 "This, more than anything else, was the glue that held the alt-right social network together. Support for Trump was shared by virtually all parts of the network and was reflected in nearly every metric, including tabulations of the most-followed, most-retweeted, and most-influential accounts; the most-used words in Twitter profiles; and in the top two hashtags (#maga, which outperformed all other hashtags by a wide margin, and #trump)."

Caricature Davos dans le désert...

Caricature de Sabir Nazar, Pakistan

Trump ne serait pas le bienvenue à Pittsburgh

Ils sont plus de 16 000 à appuyer une lettre envoyée au président Trump pour lui demander de ne pas venir à Pittsburgh s'il ne condamne pas au préalable le nationalisme blanc. Les auteurs de cette missive déplore des propos ou des gestes de Trump à l'égard des minorités. La Maison Blanche n'a pas encore répondu.

 “President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you fully denounce white nationalism.”

“President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you stop targeting and endangering all minorities.”

“President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you cease your assault on immigrants and refugees.”

“President Trump, you are not welcome in Pittsburgh until you commit yourself to compassionate, democratic policies that recognize the dignity of all of us.”

Quand on se détourne de la démocratie

Un topo qui devrait favoriser une sérieuse réflexion sur la démocratie. En avons-nous encore envie? Si ce désaveu d'un régime que nous favorisons depuis le dix-huitième siècle touche tous les groupes d'âge, il est inquiétant de constater qu'il touche beaucoup les jeunes.

 "Young citizens today are more skeptical of democracy than their parents were at the same age. As we pointed out in an earlier article for Journal of Democracy, published this July, this trend is especially striking in the United States, where an illiberal “cohort shift” is evident over time, and across a range of survey items. The next chart, for example, compares the number of Americans of different generations stating that it would be a “fairly good” or “very good” idea to have “a strong leader” rather than “parliament and elections” in 1995 and in 2011. Younger cohorts are simply more likely to agree with this anti-democratic point of view. In the last survey, almost half of millennials expressed approval for a “strong leader”."

Caricature tuerie de Pittsburgh

Caricature d'Arcadio Esquivel, Costa Rica

Tuerie de Pittsburgh: le pire et le meilleur des États-Unis

The Atlantic choisit un angle intéressant en s'intéressant au tueur, mais également à sa cible. La Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society constituait depuis longtemps un bel exemple de compassion.

 "We understand better than anyone that hatred, bigotry, and xenophobia must be expressly prohibited in domestic and international law and that the right of persecuted people to seek and enjoy refugee status must be maintained. And because the right to refuge is a universal human right, hias is now dedicated to providing welcome, safety, and freedom to refugees of all faiths and ethnicities from all over the world."

La haine qui empoisonne les États-Unis (New York Times)

Dans une période de crise on peut pointer en direction des politiciens, mais les racines du problème sont bien plus profondes. Il est de la responsabilité de chacun de contribuer à établir un climat plus sain.

" The suspects in Pittsburgh, Florida and Kentucky are responsible for their own actions. Maniacs have always existed in dark crevices of American life, and no amount of public condemnation will ever stop them from developing poisonous ideas. But in this harrowing time, more good speech, from more good people, can remind other Americans of the sorts of values that have, so far, managed to contain the divisions in their country, of the moral imagination and empathy that Mr. Bowers evidently so feared."

Caricature Bolsonaro l'emporte au Brésil

Caricature de Schot, De Volkskrant, Netherlands

jeudi 25 octobre 2018

Caricature Trump et la loyauté

Caricature de Joep Bertrams, The Netherlands

Caricature Mohammed ben Salmane sévira contre les assassins de Khashoggi

Caricature de Patrick Chappatte, Le Temps, Switzerland

Chronique dans "Trudeau le midi" à QUB radio

Nos échanges débutent vers 12h15 dans l'émission du jeudi 25 octobre:

Caricature propos incendiaires

Caricature de Bob Englehart, Middletown, CT

Chronique dans "Le quartier général" sur les ondes de BLVD 102,1: colis suspects aux États-Unis

Dans la section "Réécouter" du 25 octobre:

Caricature colis explosif

Caricature d'Adam Zyglis, The Buffalo News, NY

mercredi 24 octobre 2018

Collaboration dans "Dutrizac de 6 à 9" sur QUB radio

Nos échanges vers 8h20 dans l'émission du 24 octobre:

Des engins explosifs envoyés chez Hillary Clinton et Barack Obama?

Les Services Secrets américains ont intercepté des colis contenant des engins potentiellement explosifs. Ces colis étaient destinés à Hillary Clinton et Barack Obama.

 "The devices were recovered not long after an explosive device was found in a mailbox at the Bedford, N.Y., home of George Soros, the liberal philanthropist who is a frequent target of far-right groups.

“The packages were immediately identified during routine mail screening procedures as potential explosive devices and were appropriately handled as such,” the Secret Service said in a statement Wednesday. “The protectees did not receive the packages nor were they at risk of receiving them.”

The Secret Service said the package addressed to Clinton was recovered late Tuesday, while the package sent to Obama’s Washington home was intercepted early Wednesday.

The device sent to the Chappaqua, N.Y. home of Hillary and former president Bill Clinton is suspected to be the work of the same person who sent a similar device to Soros earlier this week, according to two law enforcement officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss an ongoing investigation."

Faits ou opinions: les jeunes meilleurs que les vieux pour les distinguer (Pew Research Center)

Comme professeur je répète bien souvent que nous sommes durs avec nos jeunes (parfois avec raison!!), mais que lorsqu'on les compare avec leurs aînés ils se démarquent régulièrement. Dans ce dossier c'est la conclusion à laquelle parvient le Pew research Center.

 "In a survey conducted Feb. 22 to March 4, 2018, the Center asked U.S. adults to categorize five factual statements and five opinion statements. As a previous report revealed, about a quarter of Americans overall could accurately classify all five factual statements (26%) and about a third could classify all five opinion statements (35%).

But age matters, according to this new analysis, as younger adults were more likely than older Americans to correctly categorize all five of the factual statements, and also more likely to do so for the five opinion statements.

About a third of 18- to 49-year-olds (32%) correctly identified all five of the factual statements as factual, compared with two-in-ten among those ages 50 and older. A similar pattern emerges for the opinion statements. Among 18- to 49-year-olds, 44% correctly identified all five opinion statements as opinions, compared with 26% among those ages 50 and older.

When looking at the 10 statements individually, younger adults were not only better overall at correctly identifying factual and opinion news statements – they could do so regardless of the ideological appeal of the statements. (In selecting statements, the study strived to include an equal number that would appeal to the sensitivities of each side of the aisle; to learn how the Center determined the ideological appeal of the statements, see the methodology.)"

Définition des personnes transgenres: les médecins inquiets du projet de l'administration Trump

Selon les médecins interrogés le projet de définition de l'administration Trump contribuerait à augmenter le nombre de cas de discrimination.

 "According to Katie Keith, a health-policy analyst at Georgetown who focuses on transgender issues, under the new definition providers could, with impunity, repeatedly misgender their transgender patients or give them a roommate of an inappropriate gender when they’re in the hospital. Doctors could even refuse to treat a transgender patient outright. This would especially be a concern in the 30 or so states that don’t have separate, state-level antidiscrimination protections for transgender patients, Keith and others said."

Boston et la tradition sportive: choc culturel pour les vieux partisans

Je l'admets, je suis de ces gens qui trouvent occasionnellement refuge dans le sport pour oublier le temps d'un match les turpitudes du quotidien. Je suis devenu un partisan des Red Sox après le départ des Expos de Montréal vers Washington. Mais bien avant ce changement d'allégeance la ville de Boston comptait au nombre de villes préférées aux États-Unis. D'abord attiré par ses attraits historiques et culturels, j'ai rapidement développé un véritable intérêt pour les équipes sportives. Pendant des décennies les partisans des diverses équipes professionnelles ont vécu bien plus souvent des déceptions que de grandes émotions liées à la victoire, surtout au football et au baseball. Si vous êtes un amateur de baseball, vous connaissez sans doute la célèbre "malédiction du Bambino". Depuis quelques années, les équipes sportives de Boston sont particulièrement compétitives et il se passe rarement une saison sans qu'une des équipes n'enlève un championnat. On s'habitue rapidement à ce défilé de trophées, mais ces succès répétés entraînent des changements dans la perception que nous avons des partisans de l'équipe. Jadis nous les trouvions sympathiques et résilients parce que régulièrement confrontés à la défaite, souvent dans des épisodes cruels. Ces mêmes partisans provoquent maintenant des poussées plus ou mins intenses de jalousie et leur chauvinisme choque. Pour les amateurs de sports parmi vous, bon petit topo sur le site de "The Atlantic".

 "So what explains Boston sports fans’ persistence in seeing themselves, with ever-declining plausibility, as plucky underdogs or lovable losers? Living in the political shadow of Washington; the celluloid shadow of L.A.; the historical shadow of Philadelphia; and the cultural, financial, and pretty much every other kind of shadow of New York, Bostonians carry a chip on their shoulder about their city’s slightly inferior relative standing among America’s major cities. That those other cities are mostly arriviste newcomers when compared to Boston only compounds the insecurity."

Caricature Theresa May ou Alice au pays des merveilles?

Caricature de Hajo de Reijger, The Netherlands

mardi 23 octobre 2018

Caricature Donald Trump met fin à un traité sur les armes nucléaires avec la Russie

Caricature de Dave Granlund,

Élections de mi-mandat: l'avance des Démocrates n'est pas significative

Si on a parfois parlé de vague démocrate pour la chambre des représentants, ce sondage Washington Post-Schar School poll indique que l'avance est loin d'être confortable. Les courses sont serrées et plus que jamais il est important de faire sortir le vote.

 "The latest survey shows only a marginal change in the race during October, with 50 percent currently supporting the Democratic candidate in their district and 47 percent backing the Republican. Candidates from the two parties collectively are running almost even in 48 contested congressional districts won by President Trump in 2016, while Democrats hold the advantage in 21 competitive districts won by Hillary Clinton. The Democrats’ lead in those Clinton districts has narrowed a bit since the beginning of the month.

The overwhelming majority of the districts surveyed — 63 of the 69 — are currently represented by a Republican in the House. Collectively these battleground districts voted strongly for Republicans in the 2016 election. The fact that the margins today are where they are illustrates the degree to which the GOP majority is at risk but also the fact that many individual races are likely to be close. Democrats need to gain a net of 23 seats to take control of the chamber."

Donald Trump veut freiner les migrants à la frontière: ce sera difficile

Le président peut s'agiter dans tous les sens et hausser le ton, la gestion des migrants qui se présenteront bientôt à la frontière américaine sera périlleuse et son administration en est partiellement responsable. En criminalisant le processus on s'est un peu piégé.

" The problem facing the administration is that many of the migrants arriving at the U.S.-Mexico border are from El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala and seeking asylum, which calls at a minimum for a “credible fear” interview. If officials determine that a migrant’s credible-fear claims are valid, they can have him or her stay in ice custody until their hearings, where a judge will ultimately make the final decision on their claim, or be released until their hearing date, which can take months, if not years, given backlogs in the immigration courts. (The United States is obligated, under the Refugee Act of 1980, to offer protection to those who qualify as refugees, including asylum seekers.)

 “This population is not trying to evade capture at the border,” said John Sandweg, who served as a counselor to then-Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano and as the acting director of ice from 2013 to 2014. “These people are surrendering when they cross the border.” This is a stark difference from pre-2014, when largely Mexican nationals were trying to evade U.S. officials when crossing the border, Sandweg noted.

 Now that the Trump administration is no longer separating migrant children from their parents, it has run headlong into another legal impediment: a 1997 consent decree known as the Flores agreement, which says that children cannot be kept in immigration detention for longer than 20 days. Administration officials have taken steps to withdraw from the agreement without effect. So for now, they have no choice but to release families seeking asylum before the 20 days have run out, leaving migrants waiting for their hearing dates stuck in Arizona and other locales along the border with a process Trump loathes and has denigrated as “catch and release.”"

Caricature Trump déjà déguisé pour Halloween

Caricature de David Fitzsimmons, The Arizona Star, Tucson, AZ

Et si les Républicains raflaient tout une fois de plus?

Même si plusieurs scénarios prédisent une victoire démocrate à la chambre des représentants, il n'est pas impossible que les Républicains conservent le contrôle des deux chambres du congrès. Cette situation permettrait à Donald Trump d'Avoir les coudées franches.

 "The end of Robert Mueller’s investigation. The loss of health insurance for several million people. New laws that make it harder to vote. More tax cuts for the rich. More damage to the environment. A Republican Party molded even more in the image of President Trump."

Donald Trump intarissable sur les migrants

En pleine campagne électorale, le thème de la sécurité à la frontière permet au président de ramener un de ces thèmes de prédilection. Ce sera difficile pour les Démocrates de convaincre certains Américains qu'ils peuvent les protéger en utilisant un autre discours que celui du président, même si celui-ci ment ou qu'il exagère la menace qui pèse sur son pays. On ne fait pas dans la nuance quand on a peur...

 "Trump himself believes the caravan images are so politically potent for Republicans and so damaging for Democrats, people who have spoken with him about the approach said that he’s vowed to bring up the caravan wherever and whenever he can, even when he isn’t being prompted by others. “There is now video on TV screens that matches the feeling on the ground that the president has felt for the past three years,” said a person familiar with the polling reviewed by Trump's team.

Republicans have come to believe that any time the immigration issue becomes about the border and border security — rather than immigrant "Dreamers" or a mix of more complex related topics — it’s a victory for them. “The vast majority of Americans worry that our border isn’t secure, and that criminals, gangs and drugs are coming into the country across the border — and the images of this mass of people basically tearing down fences to enter Mexico only reinforce those concerns,” said GOP pollster Chris Wilson."

Caricature Donald Trump et la caravane de migrants

Caricature de Bob Englehart, Middletown, CT

Série Red Sox vs Dodgers: un moment historique

La dernière confrontation entre les Red Sox et les Dodgers s'est déroulée en 1916 alors que le très jeune Babe Ruth lance pour Boston. Les matchs locaux des Red Sox n'étaient même pas joués au Fenway Park parce qu'on ne pouvait y asseoir suffisamment de spectateurs pour tirer un maximum de profits de l'événement.

 "The Dodgers were the first team to integrate with their landmark promotion of Jackie Robinson to Brooklyn in 1947. The Red Sox — who held a sham tryout for Robinson in 1945 — were the last, with Pumpsie Green in 1959. On Tuesday, though, Fenway Park will host a first: a World Series with two minority managers. Alex Cora is from Puerto Rico and Dave Roberts was born in Japan, to a Japanese mother and an African-American father. Only two other teams have minority managers: the Chicago White Sox (Rick Renteria) and the Washington Nationals (Dave Martinez)."

Caricature sondages au 21 e siècle

Caricature de Nate Beeler, The Columbus Dispatch, OH

Caricature Erdogan conscience du monde...

Caricature de Joep Bertrams, The Netherlands

Caricature Red Sox vs Dodgers

Caricature de Dave Granlund,

dimanche 21 octobre 2018

Deux américaines de confession musulmane au congrès en novembre prochain?

L'attention est concentrée sur le contrôle de la majorité dans la couverture des élections de mi-mandat, mais deux femmes pourraient marquer l'histoire.

 "Neither candidate ran in a district that has a sizeable Muslim voting bloc—Omar’s district is primarily white, while Tlaib’s is predominantly African American—though that’s an assumption both have encountered. (Dearborn, a heavily Arab suburb, is just outside Tlaib’s district, as are many of the Somali communities near Omar’s.)

“Political pundits would like to have a conversation about how people like me are elected by people who look like me,” Omar says. “But the reality is that we were elected because we were the best candidate in that race. We are proud of our identities—and we are proud of the fact that we are issue-oriented, and we care about making positive changes and pushing aggressively for progressive agendas that lead to prosperity for all of us.”

Caricature journalisme saoudien

Caricature d'Emad Hajjaj, Alaraby Aljadeed newspaper , London

Les Tours de Laliberté migrent: rejoignez-moi sur le site du Journal de Québec et du Journal de Montréal

Depuis un certain temps je me demandais comment faire évoluer mon petit carnet web. La réponse m'est parvenue par le biais d'u...