mardi 27 novembre 2018

La voiture américaine est-elle devenue obsolète?

Les problèmes de l'industrie automobile américaine ne sont pas nouveaux, mais les récentes annonces laissent entrevoir le pire pour la production d'automobiles. Stratégiquement on oriente la production vers les SUVs et les camionnettes.

 "The big picture: Welcome to the modern car industry, which is full of bad news. All the top-selling sedans in America — the Toyota Camry, Honda Civic, Honda Accord, Toyota Corolla, Nissan Altima, and Nissan Sentra — are Japanese.

Why it matters: American carmakers can't compete, and are giving up that segment of the market. Instead they're concentrating on trucks, SUVs, and crossovers, which have higher profit margins and growing demand. What's next? Almost certainly, even more job losses.

Car factories are at their most efficient when they run at full capacity. Right now America is capable of producing many more vehicles than there's demand for — roughly 3.2 million vehicles per year, according to Kristin Dziczek, vice president of industry, labor and economics at the Center for Automotive Research. (GM accounts for about 1 million of that.) The logic of efficiency means that yet more factories are likely to close."

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