mercredi 19 décembre 2018

Paul Ryan "le futur du Parti républicain" fait ses adieux

Je me souviens encore très bien de la période de grâce de Paul Ryan. On le voyait partout, de la présidence américaine à speaker de la chambre des représentants. Jadis adulé par bien des partisans, il n'en prépare pas moins son départ sans avoir atteint les sommets qu'on lui prédisait. Que ce soit chez les Démocrates ou chez les Républicains, ce n'est jamais une sinécure de naviguer entre les factions, encore moins pendant une présidence aussi chaotique que celle de Donald Trump.

 "Ryan often spoke of the imperative of fiscal discipline, especially during the eight years of the Obama administration. But the nation’s red ink has grown since Ryan became speaker, soaring from $438 billion in 2015 to $779 billion this year. And many economists blame the tax cut as a culprit as next year’s deficit is projected to hit nearly $1 trillion.

Politically, the picture is just as bleak, according to a bloc of Ryan’s former fellow-travelers in the conservative intellectual sphere. His brand of aspirational conservatism has shown little currency in the face of President Trump’s brash populism, and November’s midterms put an exclamation point on Ryan’s efforts to insulate the GOP from Trump: Republicans lost 40 seats, their worst showing in 44 years, and relinquished the House majority.

The ensuing lame-duck session has offered only small succor: likely passage of a criminal justice overhaul that Ryan has championed, alongside another spending showdown — and potential government shutdown — emblematic of Congress’s rolling dysfunction. Big issues dear to Ryan such as immigration and poverty will remain for future lawmakers to solve."

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