mercredi 19 décembre 2018

Réforme du système de justice: une rare collaboration bipartisane

Il faut souligner ici la contribution de tous les joueurs impliqués dans cette réforme, autant chez les Républicains que les Démocrates. Accordons également à Donald Trump le crédit qui doit lui revenir, ce type de réforme ne plait assurément pas à sa base. Cette réforme était souhaitée depuis longtemps dans un pays qui a un des plus fort taux d'incarcération dans le monde, particulièrement au sein de la communauté noire.

 Details: The bill would...

-Send up to 4,000 prisoners home by increasing the amount of time inmates can cut off of their sentences due to good behavior.
-Allow more male and female inmates to serve time in house arrest or halfway homes instead of prison cells, with exceptions for high-risk inmates.
-Require that prisoners be placed within 500 miles of family. -Outlaw shackling during child birth. -Mandate the provision of sanitary napkins and tampons to female inmates.
-Reduce the mandatory penalty from life to 25 years for a third conviction of certain drug offenses, and from 25 to 15 years for a second conviction. Prohibit the doubling up, or "stacking," of mandatory sentences for certain gun and drug offenses.
-Give judges more discretion in giving less than the mandatory minimum for certain low-level crimes.
-Make the 2010 Fair Sentencing Act retroactive, which changed sentencing guidelines to treat offenses involving crack and powder cocaine equally. This could impact nearly 2,600 federal inmates, according to the Marshall Project.

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