mercredi 19 décembre 2018

Syrie et rappel des troupes américaines: les généraux émettent des réserves

Considérant que l'État islamique est défait en Syrie le président Trump a ordonné le rappel des troupes. Plusieurs généraux considèrent qu'il s'agit d'une mauvaise décision et des meneurs du sénat dont Lindsey Graham affirment que c'est une décision qui démontre la faiblesse de Donald Trump. Qu'aurait-on dit si Obama avait procédé à ce retrait?

 "In a series of meetings and conference calls over the past several days, Defense Secretary Jim Mattis and other senior national security officials have tried to dissuade Mr. Trump from a wholesale troop withdrawal, arguing that the significant national security policy shift would essentially cede foreign influence in Syria to Russia and Iran at a time when American policy calls for challenging both countries.

Abandoning the American-backed Kurdish allies, Pentagon officials have argued, will hamper future efforts by the United States to gain the trust of local fighters, from Afghanistan to Yemen to Somalia.

In addition, the Islamic State has not been fully vanquished from the small territory it controls on the Syrian-Iraqi border. The Islamic State has held that territory for more than a year in the face of attacks by American-allied forces, and has used it as a launching pad to carry out attacks in Iraq and Syria."

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