samedi 12 février 2011

Départ de Robert Gibbs en humour... Obama lui redonne sa cravate!

Robert Gibbs, porte-parole de la Maison Blanche, quittait ses fonctions hier. M. Gibbs est un proche d'Obama depuis 2004. Il prendra un peu de repos avant de participer à la campagne 2012.

Un extrait du Huffington post sur le départ de Gibbs et la réaction du Président:
Gibbs, 39, has worked for Obama since his 2004 Senate campaign. He was with Obama in Boston during the Democratic convention that year when Obama delivered the keynote address that catapulted him into the national spotlight.

Obama said Friday that it wasn't what he would say in that speech that caused the most concern that night: it was which tie he would wear.

"Then somebody turned and said 'You know what, what about Gibbs' tie? That might look good'," Obama said. "And frankly Robert didn't want to give it up."

Gibbs eventually did hand over the blue tie he was wearing, Obama said. On Friday, Obama gave Gibbs that tie back, framed in a glass case, along with a photo of Obama from the convention.

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