lundi 14 février 2011

Le budget Obama critiqué par la droite... Et la gauche!

Peut-on parier sur un budget "pour le centre"?

Quelques réactions:

"Every cut to necessary programs ... needs to be judged in the context of the unnecessary tax cuts for Wall Street millionaires that passed at the end of last year," the Progressive Change Campaign Committee said in a statement, referring to Obama's deal extending the Bush-era tax cuts for two more years.
"We must make bigger investments in America's future starting now -- and ask the Wall Street millionaires who got us into this mess to do more to help pay for it."
The committee counts hundreds of 2008 Obama campaign staffers among its members.
Obama "says that he wants to work with us to begin reining in spending, but ... (his budget goes) in exactly the opposite direction," said New Jersey Rep. Scott Garrett, a top House Budget Committee Republican. "Today is Valentine's Day, but I don't know if this is the card that America was hoping to get from the administration. It's a card that says you owe more to the federal government."

Une réponse du Président?

Obama responded by characterizing the plan as a successful balance of sorely needed new investments and long-term spending reductions.
"While it's absolutely essential to live within our means ... we can't sacrifice our future in the process," he told reporters while touting some targeted new education spending. "We have a responsibility to invest in those areas that will have the biggest impact in our future" while "demanding accountability."
The president called his plan a "down payment" on greater long-term fiscal responsibility.

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