mardi 8 février 2011

Un plan Mashall pour Obama?

Article très intéressant de Richard Cohen dans le NY Times de ce matin. Il s'interroge d'abord sur la portée des soulèvements en Tunisie et en Égypte avant de conclure qu'il s'agit de la "floraison" de la démocratie.

Un extrait:

"Is this a broad uprising against dictatorship whose goal of democratic freedom will be usurped by organized Islamists, as in the Iranian revolution? Or is this the end of the Arab Jurassic Park where, from Yemen to Tunisia, aging despots have ruled, and the start of a democratic flowering as world-changing as the collapse of the Soviet empire?

If it’s the latter, as I believe, it’s critical to get this right; and doing so will involve a still inexperienced U.S. president, Barack Obama, mustering all the diplomatic craft America showed in uniting Europe in 1989 — as well as borrowing from 1947 in the form of a Marshall Plan to back dawning Egyptian and Arab democracy."

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