samedi 18 juin 2011

Golf summit: Boehner et Obama "négocient" le parcours...

Camaraderie? Hum... Probablement pas sur la question de l'intervention en Libye.

"Boehner announced late Friday that he plans to hold votes this week aimed at challenging Obama's authority to carry out U.S. military operations in Libya without congressional consent. He gave no details on specific actions.

"From the outset of this operation, Members of the House have demonstrated respect for the authority granted to the Commander-in-Chief," Boehner said in a statement. "Unfortunately, the President has not exhibited a similar appreciation for Congress' important job of providing oversight and accountability. Even worse, he has failed to communicate to the American people why continuing this mission is critical to our national security."

"Over the coming week, our Members will review all options available to hold the administration to account," he wrote.

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