lundi 13 juin 2011

Huma Abedin et Weiner: trop belle pour lui?

Tentative d'explication du comportement de certains hommes qui trompent des épouses pourtant intelligentes et belles...

""These men who are in powerful positions now, like Congressman Anthony Weiner or Arnold Schwarzenegger may still feel powerless or small inside -- like how they felt growing up," explains psychiatrist Dr. Carole Lieberman, author of Bad Girls: Why Men Love Them & How Good Girls Can Learn Their Secrets.

"These guys are still driven to prove that they are big men, and they can do that by conquering women, as well as conquering other status symbols. So no matter how beautiful the woman, it's not enough. Once they've conquered the woman by marrying her, the satisfaction goes away."

Now these guys may also be so impressed by their own power and celebrity that they feel "entitled" to cheat. "They feel they've earned it," explains Cooper Lawrence, relationship expert for The Scott & Todd Show on WPLJ. "They also now have access to women they never had before."

And finally, in the case are some of these shocking cheaters, like Jesse James and perhaps Anthony Weiner -- they cheat because deep down they are so insecure they can't believe they actually "landed" the wife they have. They can't believe she actually loved them. So they decide, like Jesse James, that their wives must be faking their feelings. And that entitles them to cheat."

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