mercredi 15 juin 2011

Libye: le pouvoir d'Obama légitime selon la Maison blanche

Alors que ça grogne au Congrès (le représentant démocrate Dennis Kucinich affirme qu'Obama viole la Constitution), la Maison blanche assure aujourd'hui que le Président détient l'autorité pour poursuivre l'intervention en Libye.

"Senior administration officials, offering a detailed legal analysis to Congress to justify Obama's Libya policy, argued he had the constitutional power to continue the U.S. role against Muammar Gaddafi's forces even though lawmakers had not authorized the mission.

Tensions in Washington over the Libya conflict reflected unease over U.S. entanglement in a third conflict in the Muslim world in addition to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and pressure for Obama to clarify U.S. goals in the North African country.

The White House's defense of Obama's Libya policy followed a warning on Tuesday from House Speaker John Boehner that Obama was skating on thin legal ice by keeping U.S. forces involved in Libya for nearly three months without direct congressional approval.

Boehner accused Obama of "a refusal to acknowledge and respect" the role of Congress in military operations and a "lack of clarity" about why the United States was still participating in the Libya campaign.

He asked Obama to explain the legal grounds for the war by Friday, saying that Obama by Sunday would be in violation of a 1973 law called the War Powers Resolution if nothing changed.

The U.S. Constitution says that Congress declares war, while the president is commander in chief of the armed forces.

"We believe that it's important for Congress not to send mixed messages about a goal that we think most members of Congress share," White House spokesman Jay Carney said, referring to hopes for the success of the NATO-led mission against Gaddafi's forces."

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