jeudi 4 août 2011

GM: les profits montent encore

Je ne sais pas si les républicains souligneront le plan de relance d'Obama qui a initié le retour en force de GM?

""General Motors Co's quarterly profit nearly doubled, beating expectations, as the top U.S. automaker took a larger share of sales globally and raised prices on its vehicles.

Coming out of bankruptcy, GM Chief Executive Dan Akerson and other executives said the company had stripped out enough costs to recession-proof the business so it could thrive even in a weak auto market. The industry's sales slump in the second quarter and the risk of a double-dip recession could provide the first major test for that claim.

"There is an increased level of uncertainty," GM Chief Financial Officer Dan Ammann told reporters. "But what we're trying to do, and what we've done successfully, is to configure the business with a low break-even point and a strong balance sheet so we can handle whatever scenario comes along."

GM shares rose 2 percent in premarket trading. Earlier in the week, they fell to their lowest level since the company's initial public stock offering last November as investors worried how GM will fare if consumers tighten their purse strings in the sputtering economy.

The U.S. automaker is pushing heavily into smaller, more fuel-efficient cars like the popular Chevrolet Cruze, but a good portion of its profit still relies heavily on sales of more profitable trucks in the U.S. market.

Net income in the second quarter rose to $2.52 billion, or $1.54 per share, from $1.33 billion, or 85 cents per share, a year earlier.

The earnings per share blew past the $1.20 analysts polled by Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S had projected on average."

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