jeudi 4 août 2011

Kadhafi négocierait avec les rebelles

Division chez les opposants?

"The New York Times said an Islamist rebel figure named by Gaddafi's son as his interlocutor had confirmed the contacts but denied he had split with liberals in the rebellion.

Gaddafi cracked down firmly on Islamists during his 41 years in power, and many Islamists have sided with more liberal, pro-Western rebels trying to oust him.

Talk of splits within the Benghazi-based rebellion have escalated since the killing last week of their top military commander, General Abdel Fattah Younes, who was assassinated after having been summoned back from the front line.

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi told the New York Times that he had made contact with Islamists among the rebels. The government and the Islamists would announce an alliance in a joint statement within days, he said."

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