mardi 27 septembre 2011

Le Tea party: influence en baisse? Compromis au Congrès

Les membres du Sénat ont concocté un compromis qui permettrait d'éviter une paralysie... Les concessions effectuées par les républicains touchent essentiellement des aspects chers aux alliés du Tea party. On verra bientôt si la Chambre des représentants acceptera d'emprunter le même parcours.

"After the vote last night to fund the Federal Emergency Management Agency through November, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) told TPM he hopes the Senate's agreement to pass a compromise bill sends a message to Tea Party House GOP members that the do-or-die brinkmanship has got to go.

"I think we were less close to the precipice this time," he said. "I think there was a little bit more anxiety on the part of the GOP to go there, and I hope it sends a message back to the House and the Tea Party that the Senate is not going to be amenable to this stuff anymore."

In the end, Republicans didn't have the will to keep holding disaster relief funds hostage to offsets and risk shutting down the government and withholding funds to relief victims. Republicans and Democrats were playing a bit of chicken with the disaster relief funds, daring each other to be the one left holding the bag and depriving victims of assistance for days or even weeks."

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