lundi 26 septembre 2011

No Confidence Men: les républicains n'ont pas la cote...

Des sondages récents qui expriment la déception des américains envers les politiciens sur la scène fédérale, particulièrement les leaders démocrates du Congrès. Le degré de satisfaction est plus bas qu'au moment du scandale du Watergate!

"As Americans' stomachs turn at the possibility of a government shutdown over yet another spending battle, everyone seems to be at fault. On Monday morning Gallup released the news that more people are dissatisfied with the way government is being run than they were after Watergate, a very high (or low) bar that Washington has hit a few times during the last decade or so. Later on Monday the Pew Research Center released some delineations about that sentiment.

Pew conducted a survey on how Americans feel about political leaders' ability to handle the deficit, an issue that has been eclipsed as the highest priority by jobs, but is still a major concern. The data showed that only 35 percent of Americans have confidence that GOP congressional leaders will do the right thing on the deficit, 43 percent thought the same about congressional Democrats, but a majority of 52 percent felt that President Obama will do the right thing on the issue.

This is not to say President Obama enjoys wide support on his ability to handle economic issues. Voters are equally frustrated with Obama because of the stagnant economy, as the TPM Poll Average shows only 33.5 percent approval on his handling of it. But the fractious squabbling in Congress has made that institution plummet further, as even after a miserable summer the House and Senate only resumed their infighting when they returned to Washington and began new work on a bill to keep the government funded, disagreeing on (of all things) disaster aid for those affected by Hurricane Irene."

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Liens pour les sondages de Gallup et de Pew:

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