lundi 26 septembre 2011

NFL: on s'attaque à la discrimination envers les homosexuels

Des états, comme New York dernièrement, qui reconnaissent les mariages entre conjoints de même sexe, la fin de "Don't ask, don't tell" dans l'armée et la NFL qui s'attaque à la discrimination... Un "vent de changements" aux États-Unis?

"The NFL has removed a hurdle for professional football players who may be thinking of coming out as gay, banning discrimination based on "sexual orientation."

The new language was quietly put into the 2011 collective bargaining agreement, ratified by the players on Aug. 4, and first noticed by Pete Olsen at Wide Rights.

The contract reads: "Section 1. No Discrimination: There will be no discrimination in any form against any player by the Management Council, any Club or by the NFLPA [NFL Players Association] because of race, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or activity or lack of activity on behalf of the NFLPA."

"Sexual orientation" was not in the 2006 collective bargaining agreement, which read there would be no discrimination based on "race, religion, national origin or activity or lack of activity on behalf of the NFLPA."

"We certainly believe, speaking for the Players Association, that we have a tremendous social and cultural impact. We definitely understand the effect that we have on society and culture, and we feel we have a responsibility to have very high standards. With something like discrimination of any kind, we just want to make sure we are a symbol for good," said George Atallah, spokesman for the NFLPA."

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