lundi 26 mai 2014

Big fucking deal (BFD): le conseil de Joe Biden

Le célèbre BFD avait été murmuré à l'oreille d'Obama en 2010, mais un journaliste avait lu sur les lèvres de Biden. L'expression est devenue "célèbre".

 "Vice President Joe Biden offered some advice Monday on how to avoid embarrassing moments like his “big f—ing deal” utterance: Assume every microphone is on.


 “I just want you to know, I didn’t intentionally say that,” Biden said at the event on Monday. “I actually turned and I said, ‘Mr. President,’ and I whispered in his ear. Unfortunately, I was looking in the direction of one guy who could actually read lips — not a joke. Because no one picked it up at the time and one of the reporters read lips. Thank God my mother was gone or I’d have been one dead vice president.”

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