vendredi 16 mai 2014

Non au retour des Clinton à la Maison Blanche

Un démocrate qui s'oppose à la "dynastie" du couple Clinton.

 "Six months: that’s how long Democrats have to talk about inequality in America with conviction and, for whatever it’s worth in politics, consistency. Six months from now marks the midterm elections, the unofficial start of the 2016 presidential campaign and Hillary Clinton’s long-delayed ride to inevitability.

What does Hillary Clinton have to do with inequality in America? She’s no robber baron, of course. But the core case against inequality isn’t about resentment of wealth—it’s about the ways in which the concentration of wealth is making politics increasingly pointless, a game of access and not arguments. Anyone who fears that future should think twice before casting a ballot for a dynastic politician, because dynastic candidates turn politics pointless in essentially the same way. They trade on family capital to make elections less meaningful; they are prone to be inflexible and indifferent to inequality; and they have good reason to be even less accountable to the public than ordinary politicians. Concentrated economic power and concentrated political power are, in the end, two sides of a coin.

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