samedi 24 mai 2014

Folie meurtrière en Californie: il voulait se venger des femmes

Frustré que les femmes repoussent ses avances, un étudiant de 22 ans a décidé de se venger. Le tueur s'était filmé avant de passer à l'action. À donner froid dans le dos...

 "A 22-year-old college student taped a chilling video vowing a “day of retribution” against women who had sexually shunned him, then went on a shooting rampage Friday night in the seaside college community of Isla Vista, close to the University of California at Santa Barbara.

 The shooter, identified by police as Elliot Rodger, killed six people, authorities said. The gunman had a running shootout with sheriff’s deputies, then crashed his vehicle into a parked car. The shooter was found dead with a gunshot wound to his head and a semiautomatic handgun close at hand. Authorities did not immediately determine whether he committed suicide or was shot in the gun battle.

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