lundi 26 mai 2014

Les Musulmans et le N.Y.P.D.

Encore des retombées d'un programme controversé de la police de New York né après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001.

 "Since shortly after Sept. 11, 2001, this unit has been searching the city jails for immigrants, typically Muslims, whom it then tries to persuade to become informants. Historically, informants are asked to provide information about criminal enterprises they know something about or have been part of. This effort has sought to recruit Muslims regardless of what they know, based largely on origin or Muslim-sounding names. As a former police sergeant who worked with the squad said: “We are there to collect intelligence about criminal activity or terrorism. Why are we asking, ‘Are you Muslim?’ ‘What mosque do you go to?’ What does that have to do with terrorism?”

 Some of those potential recruits have been hauled in for petty offenses or even noncriminal violations. In some cases they have been held in custody longer than necessary so that detectives can interrogate them about where they attend religious services, the names of relatives and where they spend their free time.

The department insists that the subjects answered voluntarily. But since they were already in custody, many of them understandably feared further punishment if they failed to cooperate.

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