lundi 26 mai 2014

La Maison Blanche dévoile l'identité d'un agent de la C.I.A. par erreur!

 Une erreur qui peut mettre en danger la vie de l'agent et modifier le déroulement de sa carrière.

 "The White House accidentally revealed the name of the CIA's top intelligence official in Afghanistan to some 6,000 journalists.

The person was included on a list of people attending a military briefing for President Barack Obama during his surprise visit to Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan on Sunday. It's common for such lists to be given to the media, but names of intelligence officials are almost always not provided. In this case, the individual's name was listed next to the title, "Chief of Station."

The print pool reporter -- a journalist allowed access to or information about an event who relays it to the rest of the media -- copied and pasted the list that was provided by the White House.;postID=7738906127418381222

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