jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Eisenhower Memorial: on va de l'avant! Probablement...

Le budget a été voté en 1999 et la construction devait débuter en 2007. Une querelle avec la famille a retardé les travaux.

 "The panel, the Dwight D. Eisenhower Memorial Commission, voted to present the design Oct. 2 to the National Capital Planning Commission, but the controversy is far from over.

The design, by Frank Gehry, one of the nation’s most prominent architects, is expected to come under heavy criticism from the planning committee, which must approve the project before work can begin. Legislators have been withholding funding for the project since last year.

In its vote Wednesday, the commission scrapped a more restrained design that was championed by Representative Darrell Issa, Republican of California, and the Eisenhower family. At least one critic has said that sections of Mr. Gehry’s design are reminiscent of a scene from “Planet of the Apes.”%% The Eisenhower family declined to comment on the vote.

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