mardi 30 septembre 2014

Kevin Spacey joue Frank Underwood pour une bonne cause!

Kevin Spacey était à Washington pour amasser des fonds pour sa fondation. Il a chanté, dansé et fait des imitations tout en utilisant son personnage de Frank Underwood dans la série House of cards. Voici un extrait d'une autre émission qui permet de constater les talents d'imitateurs de l'acteur.  

"Spacey said some qualities of his character on the Netflix series have come in handy in running the foundation, including Underwood’s “sharp tongue, his clever wit, his relentless ambition, his overzealous commitment to his cause.”

 “So throughout this evening, I thought it would be nice to share some of the pearls of wisdom that I’ve collected in the first two seasons of ‘House of Cards.’ Or as I’m calling it tonight, ‘Frank Underwood’s Guide to Philanthropy’.”

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