lundi 22 septembre 2014

Nucléaire aux États-Unis: des milliards de dollars pour revamper l'arsenal

Le candidat Obama évoquait un monde sans armes nucléaires, mais la situation actuelle démontre que ces armes sont plus présentes que jamais. L'administration américaine prétend que la situation internationale ne lui laisse pas le choix.

 “The most fundamental game changer is Putin’s invasion of Ukraine,” said Gary Samore, Mr. Obama’s top nuclear adviser in his first term and now a scholar at Harvard. “That has made any measure to reduce the stockpile unilaterally politically impossible.”

That suits hawks just fine. They see the investments as putting the United States in a stronger position if a new arms race breaks out. In fact, the renovated plants that Mr. Obama has approved for a smaller force of more precise, reliable weapons could, under a different president, let the arsenal expand rapidly.

Arms controllers say the White House has made some progress toward Mr. Obama’s broader agenda. Mr. Nunn credits the president with improving nuclear security around the globe, persuading other leaders to sweep up loose nuclear materials that terrorists could seize.'

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