jeudi 25 septembre 2014

Ruth Bader Ginsburg devrait-elle quitter la cour suprême?

Erwin Chemerinsky, professeur et doyen d'une faculté de droit, croit que la célèbre juge progressiste devrait prendre sa retraite du plus haut tribunal américain. Un motif important? Le choix d'un(e) remplaçant(e) est effectué par le président, mais avec l'approbation du sénat. Un sénat qui risque d'être à majorité républicaine en janvier prochain... On se souviendra que l'un des principaux héritages de George W. Bush est d'avoir laissé une empreinte conservatrice grâce à deux nominations.

 "If Ginsburg—nominated in 1993 by President Clinton—had stepped down this past summer, President Obama could have had virtually anyone he wanted confirmed. There is a clear Democratic majority in the Senate and little history of filibustering Supreme Court nominees. Besides, if Republicans tried a filibuster, the Senate could abolish the filibuster for Supreme Court justices, just as it did last year for lower federal court judges and presidential appointees to federal agencies.

 But there is a significant chance that the Republicans will take the Senate in November. If they do, President Obama’s choices for the high court will be greatly constrained. There is no chance that a Republican Senate will allow a progressive, or even someone slightly progressive, to be confirmed. None. If a Republican wins the White House in 2016, then the soonest Ginsburg could be replaced by a Democratic president would be 2021, when she will be about to turn 88 years old."

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