mardi 23 septembre 2014

Michael Michaud premier gouverneur du Maine gai et franco-américain?

Michael Michaud est actuellement en tête dans les intentions de vote et ses chances de devenir gouverneur du Maine sont intéressantes. Michaud, qui parle français, a révélé son homosexualité dans une lettre publiée l'an dernier. Malgré cette révélation, le riche lobby qui finance des campagnes de candidat(e)s ouvertement gais et lesbiennes ne contribue presque pas à sa campagne. Portrait sur le site de POLITICO.

 "For all the formal endorsements he has collected in his quest for the governorship, Michaud has been conspicuously shortchanged by many of the wealthiest and most influential gay donors in Democratic politics. Far from becoming a pathbreaking cause célèbre, he has plainly not enjoyed the overpowering financial support of the community that helped fuel President Barack Obama’s reelection in 2012 and made Wisconsin Democrat Tammy Baldwin the first openly gay senator in history.

Dozens of prominent gay bundlers for Obama’s campaign, including Evercore Partners’ Charles Myers and Newsweb’s Fred Eychaner, have given nothing to the Maine lawmaker, according to the most recent state finance records. Gay and straight Hollywood kingpins who have bankrolled marriage equality lawsuits, including producers Bruce Cohen and Rob Reiner, have kept their checkbooks closed."

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