mardi 25 novembre 2014

Darren Wilson: les détails de son témoignage

Les détails du témoignages de l'officier Wilson devant le "Grand jury" ont été dévoilés après la conférence de presse d'hier.

 "In the months since, Wilson — a tall man, nearly 6-foot-4, with soft, doughy features — was absent from public view while his name became famous. He skipped out on a court appearance. No one in his family spoke on his behalf. His lawyers ignored requests for comment. Even Ferguson’s police chief said he hadn’t spoken to Wilson since Brown’s killing. Wilson was a ghost: a man known in name, but not in flesh. Unanswered questions simmered.

The September testimony he delivered to the grand jury, released Monday after a prosecutor announced that Wilson would not be charged, provides the first and most detailed account directly from Wilson of Brown’s shooting. It varies from many previously published stories — and accusations — about a cop who brazenly shot a youth trying to surrender, some said, with his hands up."

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