dimanche 23 novembre 2014

Pape François: cinq mythes expliqués (Washington Post)

Article intéressant ce matin dans le Washington Post autour de déclarations et/ou de gestes du pape François. L'auteur écrit en réaction à plusieurs critiques de la part d'américains. On y parle aussi bien d'économie que du caractère réformiste du pontificat.

 Un extrait:

 "It is true that Pope Francis is a strong manager and a modernizer, and that he has boosted public perceptions of the Catholic Church. He’s reformed the byzantine Vatican bank and has forced out Germany’s “Bishop of Bling.” He avoids fancy clothes, cars and papal palaces, and is promoting bishops who also live humbly.

At meetings in Rome recently, I was invited to stay in the Santa Marta guest house, the pope’s home. As a political scientist in Washington for more than two decades, I’ve seen my share of world leaders smile for the cameras. I’ve never seen a leader of 1.2 billion people grab his own plate and fill it with grub in the cafeteria line daily. He sits with the secretaries, laughs a lot, and talks with the desk clerk, the cleaning lady and the security guard when there are no cameras around. If this is a PR stunt, he’s doing it wrong.


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