samedi 29 novembre 2014

L'éducation en ligne hors de contrôle?

Aux États-Unis l'éducation en ligne avait été présentée comme une façon de démocratiser l'accès à l'enseignement supérieur. L'enseignement en ligne est maintenant disponible dans les écoles secondaires, mais au-delà de l'éducation ils sont plusieurs à se battre pour amasser un maximum d'informations sur les jeunes utilisateurs. Ils sont plusieurs à s'inquiéter de la situation parce que la réglementation est déficiente.

 "With little guidance from federal privacy law, key decisions on how to handle students’ data — including how widely to share it and whether to mine it for commercial gain — are left up to the company hosting the MOOC or its business partners. In fact, student data is even less protected by federal law since the Education Department updated regulations in 2012 to allow for even greater disclosure of students’ personal identifying information.

Parents, activists and a select group of lawmakers are clamoring for a fix. They’ve made student data privacy a top issue in state legislatures, and they’ve even dismantled major data collection efforts. For example, massive parent pushback led to the demise of inBloom — the $100 million student database funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation — a little more than a year after its launch.

The White House also announced this month that course provider edX will give low-income high school students free completion certificates when they take the classes. And Coursera, another provider, will give teachers free online training. President Barack Obama lauded both commitments for advancing his ConnectED initiative, which aims to connect almost every student in the country to high-speed broadband and transform teaching and learning with technology.

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