mardi 25 novembre 2014

John Kerry sous pression dans le dossier iranien

John Kerry a accepté une nouvelle fois de prolonger les discussions avec l'Iran. Les critiques sont de plus en plus sévères et on espérait que Kerry en arrive à un accord ou qu'il abandonne le processus. Peut-on et doit-on avoir confiance?

 "But after having preached patience for a long time, Kerry, the designated defender of the talks, is coming under increasing pressure to deliver an agreement or give up.

Although he has never said a deal with Iran would be easy, Kerry has sometimes raised expectations—as he did in September of last year, when he told “60 Minutes” that a nuclear deal might be reached in less than three to six months. That was fourteen months ago.

In comments from Vienna Monday, Kerry dangled new hope that a long-term nuclear agreement is close at hand. “[I]n these last days in Vienna, we have made real and substantial progress, and we have seen new ideas surface,” Kerry said, expressing hope that a broad framework could be completed in just four more months.

But administration allies are beginning to worry that Kerry is chasing an ever-moving rainbow’s end.

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