jeudi 9 février 2017

De la grandeur tranquille des tribunaux américains (NYT)

Il y a le style et la manière Trump pour étourdir les journalistes et la population, mais derrière ce tourbillon le système américain fonctionne comme à son habitude. Au-delà de la rhétorique du nouveau Président, il est réconfortant de lire sur les débats habituels entre les avocats et les juges. Les juges peuvent-ils être bousculés et/ou intimidés par les attaques et les insultes du milliardaire? Pas jusqu'à maintenant.

 "The most reassuring sound in these rancorous early days of the Trump administration was the legal debate, at times arcane, over the president’s travel ban during live-streamed oral arguments in a federal appeals court on Tuesday.

No gratuitous insults, no personal threats or childish tantrum — only judges and lawyers debating complex legal issues with respect and restraint. It was the sound of grown-ups taking responsibility for governing the country, and for people’s lives.

Contrast that with the unfiltered outbursts Americans have endured from President Trump in the chaotic days since he signed his slapdash order suspending entry for people from seven predominantly Muslim countries, and all refugees.

Mr. Trump’s attacks on judges who questioned his order were too much even for his nominee to the Supreme Court, Judge Neil Gorsuch of the federal appeals court in Denver. Judge Gorsuch called the comments “demoralizing” and “disheartening,” according to a senator with whom he met on Capitol Hill on Wednesday."

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