jeudi 9 février 2017

Francis Fukuyama craint pour l'avenir de la démocratie: "The revenge of history"

Le célèbre philosophe politique qui a écrit "La fin de l'histoire et le dernier homme" revient à la charge et cette fois c'est à la démocratie qu'il s'intéresse. Je vous laisse un extrait d'une entrevue dans le Washington Post:

 ""When democracies start turning on themselves and undermining their own legitimacy, then you're in much more serious trouble," he said.

International institutions don't seem to be faring any better. Fukuyama thinks the European Union is "definitely unraveling" due to a series of overlapping mistakes. The creation of the eurozone "was a disaster" and the continued inability to develop a collective policy on immigration has deepened discontent. Moreover, said Fukuyama, "there really was never any investment in building a shared sense of European identity.”"

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