dimanche 13 août 2017

Le mouvement Alt-Righ n'entend pas reculer

Les manifestants qui se revendiquent du mouvement Alt-Right considèrent que ce sont leurs opposants qui sont responsables des incidents dramatiques d'hier en Virginie. Ce mouvement, qui appuyait la candidature de Donald Trump pendant la dernière campagne électorale, s'affiche maintenant sans complexes et il est plus extrême que jamais.

 "Today, the alt-right is unabashedly white nationalist, and unafraid to share their views. Richard Spencer fantasizes about a white ethno-state—a vision he told me would be like “the Roman empire.” Many in the movement go even farther, calling for mass deportation and ethnic cleansing for Jews and people of color. Though the alt-right is well versed in the language and humor of the internet — communicating in forums like 8chan and Gab— their politics are consistent with previous white supremacist groups."


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