mardi 15 août 2017

Pardon présidentiel pour le Sheriff Joe Arpaio?

Pendant la fin de semaine Donald Trump a clairement laissé entendre qu'il pourrait accorder un pardon présidentiel. Le célèbre sheriff est un personnage hautement controversé. Il a défié un jugement et son traitement des immigrants illégaux allait à l'encontre des droits de l'homme.

 "In his effort to create a reputation as “America’s toughest sheriff,” Arpaio made blatant and illegal racial profiling the hallmark of his two decades in office. A 2011 Justice Department investigation found systemic and widespread discriminatory practices in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO), covering both its interactions with the public and its operation of county jails. Not only were Latinos in the jurisdiction profiled, harassed, detained and abused in myriad ways, but Arpaio also used the tools of his office to go after those who criticized him."

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