mercredi 4 octobre 2017

La culture des armes aux États-Unis et dans le monde

Vous savez probablement déjà que les Américains entretiennent une relation particulière avec les armes, mais certains chiffres vont tout de même vous étonner.

 "The number of firearms available to American civilians is estimated at around 310 million, according to a 2009 National Institute of Justice (NIJ) report.

India is home to the second largest civilian firearm stockpile, estimated at 46 million.

The most updated estimates -- now nearly a decade old -- place the worldwide civilian gun cache at around 650 million. According to Switzerland-based Small Arms Survey, the number of civilian guns has most likely risen since 2007. Firearm production continues to proliferate worldwide, outweighing the effects that gun destruction might have."

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