lundi 2 octobre 2017

Pourquoi Donald Trump humilie-t-il Rex Tillerson?

Le Président gazouillait hier que Rex Tillerson perd son temps à négocier avec la Corée du Nord. Pourquoi toujours limiter ainsi la portée du travail de son conseiller?

 "The most plausible answer lies in the realm not of policy but of image. Trump, by his own admission, rarely reads. He knows little about domestic or international affairs. But he loves movies and according to one estimate, watches five hours of television a day. For 14 years, he starred in a reality TV show.

This helps explain why Trump so often describes political figures as if they’re characters on screen. According to The New York Times, he said Mike Pence looked like a vice president out of “central casting.” He reportedly used the same phrase to describe Mitt Romney as secretary of state. Top aides said he would never give the job to George W. Bush’s former UN Ambassador, John Bolton, because Bolton sports a moustache."

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