samedi 24 février 2018

Armer les enseignants: les Américains divisés sur la question (Pew Research Center)

Bien avant la tuerie de l'école Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school le Pew Research Center avait interrogé les Américains sur la possibilité d'armer du personnel scolaire. Le sondage de 2017 montre que la population est très divisée sur la question.

 "The recent mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High school in Parkland, Florida, has reignited a national debate about guns in America. In particular, as the conversation has focused on how to keep children safe in schools, the idea of arming some teachers has garnered attention. A 2017 Pew Research Center survey found that more than half of U.S. adults (55%) would oppose allowing teachers and officials to carry guns in K-12 schools, including 36% who said they would strongly oppose such a proposal. Still, a sizable minority (45%) said they favored allowing teachers to carry guns in schools."

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