mercredi 28 février 2018

Retour en classe émouvant à l'école Marjory Stoneman Douglas de Parkland

Le campus est maintenant protégé comme forteresse, mais les étudiants et le personnel pourront difficilement se concentrer alors qu'on retourne dans les classes où les souvenirs de la tuerie seront omniprésents...

 "“I’m scared to go back,” Madison Lackey, 14, said.

Even to get onto the vast school campus again, students and their parents had to thread their way past heavily armed police officers and television cameras and pass through an exterior fence that is now decorated with banners of grief and condolence and garlanded with fading memorial flowers.

As they approached the school, the students walked past a phalanx of police officers from nearby cities and teachers from their old middle and elementary schools who waved signs of support."

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