mardi 27 février 2018

La Corée du Nord liée aux atrocités en Syrie?

Selon des experts des Nations Unies la Corée du Nord aidé la Syrie dans la fabrication d'armes chimiques, déjouant aisément l'embargo sur les armes et les services de renseignement occidentaux.

 "The report highlights the potential danger posed by any such trade between Syria and North Korea, which could allow Syria to maintain its chemical weapons while also providing North Korea with cash for its nuclear and missile programs.

The possible chemical weapons components were part of at least 40 previously unreported shipments by North Korea to Syria between 2012 and 2017 of prohibited ballistic missile parts and materials that could be used for both military and civilian purposes, according to the report, which has not been publicly released but which was reviewed by The New York Times."

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