dimanche 25 février 2018

Sondage Donald Trump: 35% d'approbation selon CNN/SSRS

Après une embellie en janvier, le président Donald Trump voit son taux d'approbation redescendre sous les 40%. Autre donnée significative, sa cote baisse également chez les électeurs républicains même si une large proportion de ceux-ci sont toujours en accord avec sa gestion du pays.

 "The findings follow several weeks of sharply negative news about the President's White House staff, including the revelation that several key staffers lacked permanent security clearance, the implementation of a new policy to handle interim security clearances, and news that multiple White House staffers had resigned following accusations of domestic abuse.

While the poll was in the field, much of the President's public agenda focused on gun laws, an area where the poll finds Trump earns mostly negative reviews. Just a third of Americans approve of his handling of gun policy, 54% disapprove and another 12% say they have yet to make up their minds. Those who live in gun-owning households give him higher ratings than others: 52% in gun households approve of his work on gun policy; it's 17% among all others."


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