mercredi 28 février 2018

Hope Hicks quitte également la Maison Blanche

La Directrice des communications de la Maison Blanche annonce son départ une journée après avoir témoigné devant un comité du Congrès. Interrogée sur le dossier de l'ingérence de la Russie, elle a refusé de répondre à plusieurs questions. Elle a également été la petite-amie de Rob Porter, l'ancien conseiller qui a quitté plus tôt cette année après des allégations de violences conjugales. On a prétendu que Mme Hicks avait protégé Porter pendant un certain temps.

 "Hicks was one of the first people to join Trump's 2016 presidential bid, and she was nearly always at his side on the campaign trail and in the White House. But her decision to exit came after she drew scrutiny amid several minefields facing the administration.

On Tuesday, she declined to answer many questions during an appearance before House investigators looking into Russian interference in the 2016 election. Earlier this month, she was drawn into the controversy surrounding former staff secretary Rob Porter, who she had been dating and who resigned amid claims of physical and verbal abuse from two ex-wives."

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