mercredi 19 septembre 2018

Christine Blasey Ford veut une enquête du FBI avant de témoigner devant le sénat

La femme qui accuse le juge Brett Kavanaugh d'agression sexuelle a été invitée à témoigner lundi devant le sénat, mais elle refuse de s'y présenter s'il n'y a pas d'abord une enquête du FBI. Ce dossier prend de l'ampleur et il est hautement politisé. Certains croient que Mme Ford est utilisée par les Démocrates pour retarder le vote qui confirmerait la nomination d'un neuvième juge à la cour suprême. J'y vois également un enjeu majeur pour le mouvement #MeToo.

 "Many Republican officials maintained Tuesday that such a hearing would be Kavanaugh’s best chance at preserving his nomination to the high court, since it would give the judge — who seems determined to fight the allegation — an opportunity to respond to the claims. But Democrats, like Ford, argued that the scheduled Monday session should be delayed until the FBI further investigates her allegation.

The letter from Ford’s lawyers described death threats and harassment since The Washington Post published her account Sunday.

“In the 36 hours since her name became public, Dr. Ford has received a stunning amount of support from her community and from fellow citizens across our country. At the same time, however, her worst fears have materialized,” the letter said. “She has been the target of vicious harassment and even death threats. As a result of these kind of threats, her family was forced to relocate out of their home. Her email has been hacked, and she has been impersonated online.”"

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